Monday, September 30, 2019

Karl Marx and the Idea of Communism Essay

Karl Marx’s claim that capitalism is important to human development but must be overcome and a system put into place that would eventually evolve into communism is unrealistic. Although the idea of communism, a social system designed to promote a classless society where everyone is truly equal and social problems such as racism, sexism and oppression do not exist, would be favourable to a capitalist society, it is unachievable as it doesn’t comprehend an individuals personal desire, the labour classes ability to lead or the growth and change that has occurred within capitalism since Marx. Capitalism is the social system currently within place in countries all over the world, where the means for producing and distributing goods are owned by a small collection of people, the capitalists, and the labour class, is made up of the majority of the population who sell their labour for a wage. Marx’s primary claim is that an individual’s moral, philosophical and religious ideas are reflections based on our material circumstance and that they are not autonomous driving forces in history as others have claimed. Marx concluded that ‘instead of shaping society, ideas were in fact shaped by society’ (Mann & Dann, 2005). By this he meant that the economic system of a society determines what values and principles are upheld. Therefore, an outdate society would value attributes such as honour and loyalty to keep people in line, whereas a capitalist society would value freedom and equality to keep the workforce as large and as mobile as possible to keep down wages. When a society’s economic conditions experience a fundamental change and a new class assumes supremacy after a political revolution has occurred and installed that leading class in power. Marx predicted that a communist revolution eliminating private property and the subjugation of one class by another would occur at the end of history society (Mann & Dann, 2005). Marx believed that through industrialisation, capitalism has increased the productive capability of the world’s economy but had also created two competing classes of people, the bourgeoisie, who controlled and owned the resources of production and employed wage labourers and the proletariat, who were everyday labour who didn’t own anything but their individual right to ell the labour. He felt that the nature of capitalism would guarantee that these two classes would eventually struggle against each other until the point where the working class would become sizeable and subjugated enough that it would takeover the bourgeoisie and its production resources and end the economic system known as capitalism. A socialist system would them be put into place and pure communism would progressively develop (Mann & Dann, 2005). In Marx’s theory communism is a period of historical progression that occurs from the expansion of productive forces leading to a surplus of material wealth, which allows for allocation based on freely related persons. The self-recovery of capitalism could not be predicted by Marx, as it was the introduction of a welfare state and trade unions that played their part in improving the conditions and wage of the workers of the labour class. Commons (2009) suggested that against Marx’s idea of the proletariat class becoming the ruling class of society, labour, as a class were inept in managing business and that the worker input and self-management weren’t feasible. Countries where workingmen have united for joint production of goods and rendering all services to become their own employees and have elected their own foremen, superintendents and directors have failed as labour as a class are inept to appoint their own boss because they base their election on compassion rather than the individuals competence and discipline. Individual labourers who rise out of there own class is capitalism and labourers that rise as a class to become their own boss as a class is socialism, which is unrealistic as the labour class is composed of conflicting races, sexes, religions, ages and there’s an inequality between peoples abilities and intelligence. These conflicting inequalities are brought to light in the competition for jobs and higher wages (Commons, J. R. , 2009). The great organisers of labour under a capitalist system are elected through natural selection within the industry, where the self-selection of leaders by the survival in the competitive struggle for profits mean that individuals are elected by their own success not by the votes of the individuals who work for them. These leaders are responsible to the capitalists and not to the wage earners they command as they are selected by those whose whole consideration s the profits which the can bring to the company or industry (Commons, J. R. , 2009). Marxists alleged that profit making is pure selfishness, with the implication that if the wage earners were in control, public service and not ambition would be the motivating power behind manufacture. The difference between wage earning and profit making, if there is one, is hard to see as both are the process endeavouring to get as much as possible for oneself with as little as possible (Commons, 2009). What Marx failed to see is the inherent selfishness of mankind, as each individual is self-serving to a degree, and how it would impact attempts to put into place a communist social system. In society labour, competition, capital and private property rights play an important role in creating an operational and successful economy. The division of labour allows for increases in the productive capabilities of labour and the specialisation of labour has moved society toward agriculture and manufacturing by encouraging the invention of greater technology. An individuals desire to live a comfortable life with their basic needs met creates and incentive for wage earning individuals to expend more effort within the industry to attain these wants and desires. Marx’s theory of communism can be centralized around the theory that with the abolition of private property, people would move into the final stage of social order, communism (Butgereit & Carden 2011). But with the abolition of private property and the private ownership of the means to production, the monetary prices generated by exchange that are used to appraise factors of production and determine the proportions in which those factors should be used to produce final product would not exist. When these monetary exchanges disappear so do the profits and losses the market produce to guide businesspersons on whether final product is needed within society or the resources used are being wasted (Butgereit & Carden 2011). One of the benefits Marx’s saw for communism was that the sovereignty of the proletariat would speed up the already vanishing national differences and antagonism between people due to the development of the bourgeoisies; the freedom of commerce, the world market, the uniformity in the mode of production and in the conditions of life consequent to those changes. Through this political supremacy, the proletariats would seize the capital from the bourgeoisie to concentrate all tools of production in the hands of the state and therefore increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible. He believed that respectively that as the exploitation of on individual by another would end, so would the exploitation and hostility of one nation by another and the animosity between classes within the nation would disappear (Mann & Dann, 2005). Although capitalism has seen the expansion of the global market, introduced the concept of civilisation and given it a universal character to production and consumption in every country, Marx saw it as the Bourgeoisie exploiting this world market and creating a universal inter-dependence of nations as all nations are compelled to adopt the bourgeoisie style of production or risk extinction (Mann & Dann, 2005). Through globalisation capitalism grew in strength and the emergence of new compromising ideologies such as social democracy, which is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state (New Oxford American Dictionary, 2005), are making it stronger still. While social democracy was established from Marxism, it has been effective in generating cooperation and agreement between labour and capital in developed countries, and has helped bring about the creation of new laws concerning to minimum wage, social security and the right to strike and demonstration, which reduced the level of inequalities on the working class. But in underdeveloped countries, where the free market system and democracy are not established enough, the working class face serious problems, where individuals are forced to work for below minimum wage and have no job security due the high level of unemployment. In these countries it can be seen that capitalism still causes alienation within the labour class and Marx’s idea where a communist society is designed to promote a classless society in which everyone is truly equal would be beneficial. Although this idea of a communist society is ideal, societies throughout history, such as the Soviet Union, which failed and collapsed on itself and the Chinese, which gradually eroded and had to abandon true communism for functional capitalism in order for the society to survive, have proven through experience and profound failure that communist beliefs do not describe a plausible reality (Post-Communist Economic Systems, 2005). Although a communist society would be ideal to create equality among society, it is unattainable as Marx didn’t comprehend an individual’s personal desire, the labour classes ability to lead or the growth and change that would occur within a capitalist society to decrease the size of the economical inequality between the two classes. Through the introduction of democracy and globalisation, the capitalist social system was able to recover without dissolving into socialism and allowed laws to be put into place on behalf of labour class better working conditions and higher wages. The individuals desire to earn a higher wage has allowed for globalisation to steadily increase the need for a larger quantity of products created by the worlds resources. The efficiency and productivity levels of modern society have been steadily increasing because of industrialisation and the progressive taxation techniques implemented after Marx have allowed for the reduction of inequalities between the working and capitalist classes. By taking into consideration the theories of Marx, the modern capitalist society is working to create a fairer working environment for the working class without turning to communism as history has shown, through failed experiences, that society needs some form of a capitalist social system to use resources in the most efficient and productive way.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Broken Spears

The Broken Spears â€Å"The Broken Spears† is a collection of many accounts of the destruction of Mexico by Cortes and the conquistadors in their invasion. The motive behind this conquest was Cortes’ desire to bring a fortune of gold, spices, and land that can be claimed, back to Spain. Although these desires were admirable, they were sought after at the expense of the Aztecs and consequently changed an entire civilization, due to an initial drive for power, control, land, and money. Cortez along with the Spaniards ultimately destroys the Aztecs in their quest for fortune and fame. The accounts are based on the Aztec’s perception of the invasion and include the revolt of the Aztec people that lead to the terror and the end of the Aztec civilization. The Spaniards first entrance into Tenochtitlan The novel begins with the description of a series of omens or premonitions, observed ten years prior, that was believed to be essential warnings of the coming invasion. The omens arouse many fearful and terrifying reactions. At the time, the meanings were unclear to the Natives. According to the text, â€Å"Montezuma consulted various seers and magicians to learn whether the omens meant an approaching war or some other crisis†, however the magicians could not advise him. Not soon after, according to the second chapter, there were reports that â€Å"the mountains bore a strange people who have very light skin. They all have long beards, and their hair comes only to their ears. † After much contemplation, Montezuma sent five messengers to greet the strangers and to bring them gifts believing that they might be Quetzalcoatl (God of learning and the wind) and other divinities returning to Mexico as they promised. 2:13)Montezuma gave specific instructions as to how to present the messengers and gifts to the strangers. The natives showed reverence to the strangers at their arrival by â€Å"touching the ground before him with their lips†. (25) However, Cortez in return gave orders to chain them by their necks and feet. When the messengers retur n, they inform Montezuma of the various firearms, animals, foods, and resources the Spaniard possessed, and he was astonished and terrified by their report. Montezuma’s attempts to keep the Spaniard away from the Tenochtitlan included everything from sending out magicians and warlocks hoping that they could harm the Spaniards with their magic, to sending out captives to be sacrificed in their presence. With each failed attempt to prevent the Spaniards from entering Tenochtitlan, came the rising fears of the â€Å"inevitable†. As the Spaniard began to inquire about Montezuma, he contemplated fleeing and escaping the â€Å"gods†. Due to Montezuma’s failed attempts, Cortez and the Spaniards decided to begin marching In-land, in their arrival to Tlaxcala and Cholula. One could argue that the invasion of these cities was due to the defiance and the fact that they would not surrender to Cortez’s control. During the march Cortez gained a larger army and allies. Once Cortez and the Spaniards reached the entrance of Tenochtitlan their march was complete. Montezuma then prepared to greet Cortez. According to the text, â€Å"He presented many gifts to the Captain and his commanders, those who had come to make war. He showered gifts upon them and hung flowers around their necks; he gave them necklaces of flowers and bands of flowers to adorn their breasts; he set garlands of flowers upon their heads. Then he hung the gold necklaces around their necks and gave them presents of every sort as gifts of welcome. † Not mentioned in the Broken Spears however, according to the Diaz document, Cortez offered Montezuma his right hand but Montezuma refused it. It also states that Cortez went to place fine a necklace on Montezuma’s neck, but his nephews stopped and refused him. The Spaniards seemed to portray a non confrontational notion, as if they arrived with pure intentions. The document’s perspective seems to contradict those of The Broken Spears. The document describes the Aztec’s conversion to Christianity as a peaceful one. It also states that Montezuma pronounces that â€Å"I am in debt and will give all I poses,† revealing that Montezuma willingly gave of his possessions and land. However, according to The Broken Spears, the Aztecs were tortured and terrorized. The Expulsion from Tenochtitlan (Spring 1520) After imprisoning Montezuma, the Spaniards begin to terrorize the city, causing commotion and inflicting fear into the natives. The terrorism that was taking place caused an uprising battles and massacres to take place. One example of the harshness inflicted on the Aztecs was the events that took place at a Fiesta. The Spaniard invaded the Fiesta, murdering many Aztecs and revealing the Spaniards did not abide by the Aztec rules or expectations of war. They were said to be reckless and extremely brutal, without respect or compassion. Preceding the surprise attack at the Fiesta, other attacks and retaliations arouse, such as the Night of Sorrow. The Aztecs no longer desired to follow Montezuma’s initial orders for non retaliation. They decided to take up arms and fight against the Spanish. In the attack at the Fiesta, they fought with broken spears and attacked with javelins and arrows. However the Aztecs came to the realization that enough blood was shed. Montezuma’s body was discovered and it was unclear as to his cause of death. Since the Aztec no longer catered to the Spaniards by providing them with food, shelter and supplies, Cortez realizes that they must leave the land. They planned to retreat at night, however the retreat was discovered. According to the text, â€Å"They attacked as the Spaniards were fleeing down the Tlacopan (now Tacuba) causeway, and the rout was so disastrous that it has been known ever since as â€Å"la noche triste,† the Night of Sorrows. Those who escaped the disaster found refuge in the nearby village of Teocalhueyacan, where they were welcomed as friends; but three-fourths of the army had perished in the retreat and in the siege that preceded it. The Aztecs benefited greatly from the fleeing of Spaniards. They gathered things that the Spaniard abandoned and claimed it for themselves. They collected weapons that had been left behind or had fallen into the canal-the cannons, swords, spears, bows and arrows-along with all the steel helmets, coats of mail and breast- plates, and the shields of metal, wood and hide. They recovered the gold ingots, the gold disks, the tubes of gold dust and the collars with their gold pe ndants. The violent recapture of Tenochtitlan (1521) The Aztecs were convinced that the Spaniard would never return. They began to rebuild the city and the temples, and celebrated in a victorious manner. They choose a new King for the city; however it was not long that the Aztecs lived in tranquility. A horrible plague of smallpox quickly spread. The plague spread during the thirteenth month and lasted for seventy days, striking everywhere in the city. It was difficult for some to walk or even move. Many died from the disease, some died of hunger because they were incapable of searching for food. The text describes that the first cases were reported in Cuatlan. By the time the danger was recognized, the plague was so well established that nothing could halt it, and eventually it spread all the way to Chalco. Then its cruelty diminished considerably, though there were isolated cases for many months after. The Spaniards returned without mercy. This time however they had more forces, and resources, and better technology. Although the Aztecs had a previous disposition, they retaliated, being aware this time, of some of the Spaniards tactics. For example, discovered that the shots from the cannons always flew in a straight line, they no longer ran away in the line of fire. They ran to the right or left or in zigzags, not in front of the guns. After a great deal of battles and much bloodshed. The Aztecs eventually surrendered to the Spaniards. The Aztecs culture and civilization was eventually eradicated after the Spaniard burned the temples and destroyed their empires. In comparing the readings of The Broken Spears to some document excerpts, a large disparity is found. There were many actions that the Aztec’s took, that to some were considered barbaric. For instance, in The Conquest of New Spain, Diaz describes the Aztecs to be somewhat savage like. He mentioned that they would â€Å"tear out the palpitation heart, with the blood, they present as idols† and they would eat â€Å"arms and thighs at their ceremonial banquets†. However, The Broken Spears describes these actions as sacred sacrifices that were signs of respect and honor. These reasons alone prove why separate accounts help understand history. There is a saying that states: â€Å"There are two sides to every story. † The Broken Spears would be considered the other side

Friday, September 27, 2019

Porter Novelli (Goldsmith) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Porter Novelli (Goldsmith) - Essay Example tion of a strategic approach which is associated with human recourse guarantees that a business organization’s employees, various skills, operational programs and abilities contribute to the attainment of its organizational goal. Benchmarking is a widely accepted and innovative technical method in the field of business marketing. Marketing professionals often remarked that the process of bench marking is one of the successful tools of marketing. Bench marking is helps to reduce the over growth of costs and it also improves the productivity, integrated business processing and business marketing. At present organizational experts used bench marking is an effective tool for comparing the performance of employees and policies. It is also used as an important test to evaluate the presentation of unconventional tools or all business techniques. Bench marking is helpful for both managements and employees to understand more about innovative business policies and techniques. Bench marking includes various processes such as productivity, cost, time, evaluation, policy making and exestuation etc. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of all business techniques and strategies are possible through this technique. One can understand the fact that bench marking clearly explains the relation of particular organizational standards in business marketing. And it also determines the performance standards for leadership. Talent management has been regarded as a process for developing and integrating new workers. It also extends its hands to the development of current workers and attracting new workers talented workers for the well being of a company. Different studies have documented Talent Management as the one identifying, selecting, and cultivating Superkeepers. Superkeepers are employees who have demonstrated superior performance, who have inspired others to achieve superior performance, and who embody the core competencies of the organization (Berger, 2004). Rob Silzer &

Juvenile Probation Programs, Institutions, and Aftercare Programs Assignment

Juvenile Probation Programs, Institutions, and Aftercare Programs - Assignment Example Over the past few years, numerous juvenile programs have been implemented in many parts of the country with the major aim of coming up with programs that reduce recidivism, impart useful crime-avoidance knowledge and ensure that youthful offenders make a turn for the better after their initial interaction with the system. Introduction This paper looks at a couple of these juvenile programs in depth. Specifically aimed at providing teen offenders with an opportunity to not only change their lives after the completion of their initial custodial or other sentence but also equips them with the ability to ensure that they do not again end up in correctional facilities as adults. These programs have been set up in different ways depending on the types and frequency of crimes that the youths in the particular location are prone to but have applicability in wider settings and can be adapted for use in other areas with minimal changes to ensure successful implementation. The suitability of th ese programs in new locations and whether or not they are going to fail or succeed depends a great deal in utilizing the lessons learned in the initial implementations and using these to adequately tailor responses that more immediately suit local requirements. 1. The first program is the Community Restitution and Apprenticeship Focused Training (Project CRAFT). Since 1994, Project CRAFT has served more than 2,000 high-risk youth at 15 sites in ten states (Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas). Project CRAFT currently operates at nine sites in four states, including Florida, Tennessee, New Jersey, and Mississippi. The program is designed to offer treatment, prerelease and aftercare services for juvenile offenders between the ages of 16 and 21. The project can be implemented as either a residential Juvenile correctional program or as a community based one for post-correctional facility aftercare or for youth un der daycare treatment supervision. CRAFT involves ten different components including outreach and recruitment which orients program partners – parents, participants and offender advocates as well as community meetings. Assessment and screening also include prospective employers of youth who then pursue the youth progress through training programs and trade-related academics. Youth that require substance abuse treatment are also enrolled in these programs as required. Finally the program has a community transition and follow-up component which includes job placement, job development as well as other aftercare services (NCWD/Youth, 2013). The other program is the Tampa, Florida headquartered AMIkids program which operates 50 sites across several states – Florida, New Mexico, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and Louisiana. This day attendance and residential program comprises academics, treatment, experiential education and behavior modification. T he AMIKids program has eight components: education grade improvements challenge and team building experiences, cognitive-behavioral therapy, a strong strength-based case management, positive behavior modification, home and family partnership, individual and group problem-solving and social skills development, and community service. The AMIKids program approach is based on evidence-based theoretical perspectives and treatment interventions found in empirical

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dossier regarding a recent russian contemporary affair Essay

Dossier regarding a recent russian contemporary affair - Essay Example The paper focused on the notion that sentencing was executed with a personal grudge from the president Putin himself and also revealed the picture of pro-â€Å"Pussy Riot† case. But it also reflected a bit of criticism of the case in an indirect manner supporting the convicted by stating that they have performed an act of hooliganism which further reflects the strictness of the Russian government in this case (Pussy Riot members jailed for two years for hooliganism, 2012). In the article â€Å"Anti-Putin Stunt Earns Punk Band Two Years in Jail† published in August 2012 on NY Times also criticized sentencing of the Pussy Riot Case and highlighted on the global reactions in favor of the case. Giving the instance of the performance of the band members and their subsequent conviction the report stated that it was a kind of forced sentencing on the alleged persons. The report also highlighted that the members of the band had no intentions of hurting the Orthodox sentiments b ut their performance was a symbol of protest against the third time election of Putin as the President through manipulation and loosening the attributes of democracy (Herszenhorn, 2012). The convicted were also not given proper flexibilities in defending themselves. In the article â€Å"History Repeated Itself as Farce in 2012† from Moscow times published in 7th January 2013 by journalist Roland Oliphant also reflects its sympathy for the members of Pussy and blames the Russian President as a move to curb down the opposition and also making its authority over the opposition and establishing anti democratic aura but the report also directs that western media have exaggerated the issue and the event can occur in the west as well (Oliphant, 2013). 3. Vladimir Putin and controversy Vladimir Putin in Russia after serving a term from 1999 to 2008 in Russia as the Prime Minister and President was also re elected as the President of Russia in 2012 (White, 2011, p.175). Although Russi a follows a pure democratic regime but the presidential election was not a favorable outcome for a large fraction of people in Russia. Huge constraints have come from the opposition political parties in Russia like that of People’s Freedom Party and Republic Party of Russia with the notion that Putin has manipulated the votes in his favor and have jeopardized the crux of democracy. On the eve of the Presidential election, there were military troops in the streets and there were more than hundred of arrests. One of the opposition leaders stated that, â€Å"If it was a free election, why have they flooded the entire city of troops? They fear us† (Stewart and Palmer, 2012). On the eve of Presidential election and his victory, Putin was found shading tears. The protestors criticized this action of the president by stating that this tear was seen for the first time in Putin’s eyes after gaining victory in the elections by a share of 64 per cent votes. Anti Putin camp aigner Ilya yashin stated that, ‘It is the first time within the last 12 years we saw the tears of the dictator’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Article review - Essay Example For example: In motivation and self-directed learning; the author stated that allowing the students to read instructions or to decide their preferred learning strategy could trains them to be self-directed learners as it increases student’s motivation, sense of competence, reading comprehension, and strategy use. Article III – The literature part is comprehensive since it provides general information such as the races that migrates to Portugal in the past up to now; the national institutional regulations on the academic achievements of migrant children; etc. Article III – Quantitative survey questionnaires were used to gather data required to test the correlation among the variables related to socio-economic status, nationality, and the history of their family migration with school performance. The authors adopted Portes and Rumbaut’s (2001) questionnaire design. Article III – A total of 1,843 respondents participated in the survey. Respondents are composed of 53% Portuguese children, 44.3% immigrant children, and 1.9% emigrants. Target respondents are students between the age bracket of 14 to 24 including few students who are about to turn 14 years old. The authors did not mention whether they have randomly selected the respondents from the state secondary schools in Oeiras – a municipal located in the Greater Lisbon Metropolitan Area in Portugal. Article III – Aside from testing the variables related to socio-economic status, nationality, and the history of their family migration with school performance, the researchers used two-fold category for children born in Portugal of first generation immigrant parents; and those born abroad with the exception that those who were born abroad and came to Portugal before the age of six were included in the first category. The purpose of categorizing the respondents is to test whether migration is a factor for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How do western media cover China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

How do western media cover China - Essay Example Historically, western nations of the world have risen and developed much earlier than those from the far east, especially South East Asia. Such developments in the west from the fifteenth century have radically shaped the image of Europe being a forerunner in progress. It has set the standard for the rest of the world to emulate (Cao, 2012). This has developed an arrogance which claims the western portrayal of the ‘orient’ as incapable of ‘modernization’ (Said, 1978). From nineteenth century scholars such as Marx and Hegel, to modern authors such as Fukuyama (1989), non-Western nations have been portrayed as technologically and socio-politically inferior to western countries. Three Events Meriting Media Coverage for the World Guo (2012) identified three major events in Chinese history in 2008 that have been portrayed by western media in several ways. These are the Tibetan riots in March, The Wenchuan Earthquake in May and the Olympic Games in August. With th ese three events happening in a span of a few months, China has received a wide variety of impressions from all over the world thanks to the subjectivity/ objectivity of news delivery of western media. The Tibetan riots were impelled by political causes and were highlighted with the conflicts and disputes on religion, freedom of speech and politics between Chinese society and western media. These riots attracting much attention from media and may have conveyed to the world that political instability can result from such a spectacle. The overall perception created by the western media was allegedly â€Å"inaccurate, ideologically biased against and unfair towards China† (Guo, 2012, p. 78). Chinese scholars thought that western media coverage of the Tibetan riots portrayed it as a government crackdown instead of a mere act of riot or unrest from a minority of the population of civilians (Guo, 2012). They felt that the foreign correspondents sided with the Tibetan rioters who we re described as suppressed in their fight for freedom and equal human rights. On the other hand, these correspondents were critical and suspicious of the Chinese government. Further, such reporting of the news on the riots was not constrained to the event itself but was linked and analyzed with other protest actions such as the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 and a possible boycott of the forthcoming Beijing Olympics a few months after the riots (Zhao, 2008). The negative impression created by this western media coverage affected people’s anticipation of negative outcomes in the holding of the Olympics in China in the same year. What was expected to be an exciting and momentous sports event was marred by an anti-Chinese torch relay during the Olympics because of the earlier Tibetan riots (Zhang & Yu, 2008). Such display of rebellion has turned world opinion against China, and this was highlighted by western media (Guo 2012). Hosting the Olympics meant a big deal to China si nce it represented an achievement of a long-held ambition to show the world that sport is taken quite seriously in this country, not merely for fun or physical competition. For China, it is about national honor, pride or shame. The Olympic spirit is tightly intertwined with the Chinese nationalist sentiment (Guo 2012). The great anticipation in planning this grand event was disappointed by the natural disaster of an earthquake and the human intervention of a rambunctious riot meant to divert attention from the grandeur of the Olympics. In contrast, the Wenchuan

Monday, September 23, 2019

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi - Essay Example Satrapi's focus is on her life from when she was eight to fourteen, covering this time period with the historical concepts in the background. She begins with a powerful idea; a school photo, and this photograph demonstrates many young girls in their veils. These girls would usually remove these holy veils to play on play breaks (Book Review). The author is finally able to leave the mess of the war, with her parents seeing her off at an airport, so that she can head to the safety of a school in Austria. However, the war did affect her for the rest of her life, and through adulthood we see the scars that are attributed to this experience. From the beginning to the end of her experience in Iran, the author's young life is veiled with the feelings of the oppressive, war-like life in Iran. (Book Review). It becomes quite apparent that like her own parents, many of the young children of this time were encouraged to leave the country in order to find safety. The country was in such an uphea val that even young, promising children of the next generation were not safe. Therefore, this had a profound effect on the author's life, and this effect would change her life forever. Growing up with a war at her doorstep, the author had to consider on a day to day basis how to survive, and had to also worry about her parents' survival. The emotional descriptions present in the book leave readers with a very strong sense of emotion in themselves. For example, I was quite affected by the knowledge that such a young child had to quickly grow up in order to understand the issues around her. Many of the terrible things Satrapi witnessed should never have to be witnessed by a young child. As a reader, I experienced a strong sense of a lost innocence, destroyed because of a war that the child did not necessarily understand. This certainly makes me, as a reader, feel sympathy and sadness toward the author, and this feeling continues for the narrator throughout the novel. The emotions are continually conjured up in the readers as the novel progresses. The book is presented in a very simple way, as small details are introduced to reflect on powerful concepts of emotion in the novel. By doing this, Satrapi shows how much the little things can matter, and how the slightest action can demonstrate a type of emotion (Book Review). The emotions present in all the characters, as they are all affected by the war going on in the background, is very obvious throughout the book. However, it takes some skill to be able to learn to read these small, simple, signs; as for many of us in secure western countries, we do not always see this kind of response in the individuals that surround us. Satrapi herself, as a young child during this time, often depicts the emotions of astonishment and confusion. She is chronically bewildered at having to wear a veil at only ten years old. She also becomes confused upon seeing the picture with her Uncle's former wife's head defam ed (Book Review). She is further confused by the notions of justice and God (Book Review). Because the war was going on for so long in the background of her life, it must have seemed to her that God was unjust, and this would have greatly confused a young girl. She has to deal with the change all around her demonstrated in politics, and it was noticeably difficult for a young girl to understand the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Compare and contrast the ways Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast the ways Essay Stanhope and Raleigh are absolutely different characters. Stanhope is experienced and confident and Raleigh is naive and doesn’t have such a long experience in army that Stanhope has. But also you can find something similar in stories of their lives. Their childhood, which they spent together. They went to the same school and their families were friends long time ago. At the beginning of the play Capitan Stanhope is presented as a brilliant commander and at the same way as an alcoholic. This quotation ‘drinking like a fish’, means that Stanhope cannot live without alcohol just, as a fish cannot survive without water. It shows literally that he will die without alcohol. This one â€Å"Without being doped with whiskey I’d go mad with fright† shows that has to be dunk to get through the war without the fear. Also Hardy said that he’s called a ‘drunkard’. That also means that he is ‘in love’ with alcohol. But while Hardy jokes, Osborne defends Stanhope and describes him as ‘the best company commander we’ve ever got’. Moreover, from Osborne we found out that straight after school Stanhope joined the army and became an amazing commander. Also, one of the officers said that he is ‘a splendid chap’. It shows that Stanhope has man’s qualities. We also pick up a few more details about the character of Stanhope from Osborne he has never rested, his nerves ‘have got battered to bits’. This shows us the nature of Stanhope. Second lieutenant Raleigh has a complete opposite character than Stanhope. The difference between them is just in three years, but Raleigh looks much younger than Stanhope. This is because the war ages Stanhope. Raleigh looks like a ‘healthy-looking boy of about eighteen†. He is entering the war for the first time. He has ‘a nervous laugh’ and there are some dashes in his speech that creates broken speech, which highlights how overwhelmed he is  with his emotions, and it is a bad quality for an officer. ‘His uniform is very new’ this quotation shows that he is a new and without any army experience. He imaged the war and trenches very different ‘†I thought there would be an awful row here- all the time. † But Raleigh is very idealistic, viewing the war as a romantic possibility to become a hero. He thinks that the war would make him famous and people will be proud of him as a hero of their country. Raleigh also idolises Stanhope, having looked up to him since he was a child and refers to him as ‘Dennis’. Also ‘their fathers were good friends and  Stanhope used to come and stay with them in the holidays’. He admits that he requested to be sent to Stanhopes company. Osborne hints to him that Stanhope will not be the same person he knew from school as the experiences of war have changed him. But Raleigh does not seem to understand and he is looking forward to see his old ‘friend’ again. So from all my points we can see that Stanhope and Raleigh are completely different characters and do not have any similarities in their lives. But maybe later, in the play Raleigh will have some new war experience and it will be something similar in their characters.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Skills for Success Essay Example for Free

Skills for Success Essay As years passed by, several events have transpired that have shaped the course of world history. Along with this, people and the society have also experienced an evolution wherein the ways and standards of living have been tremendously modified to suit the needs of the changing times. As a result, people have become more innovative and creative in dealing with changes. Because of this reaction, society was able to improve and enhance the manner people exist in their natural habitat. What is more interesting and beneficial effect of this development is the realization of people to further build up their capabilities and potentials to be better at what they do whether personally and professionally. Moreover, in order to thrive in this present social condition, one must possess the necessary skills in order to succeed. This trend is obviously manifested in the corporate world wherein sets of criteria are established to ensure that businesses profit and at the same time provide the high-quality products and services to customers. Due to the lucrative benefits and opportunities that the field of business offers, many are enticed to become a part of it making this field highly competitive. In order to excel at one’s chosen career in the corporate world, an individual must possessed fundamental skills that will help him/her to be successful. There are three things to consider when aspiring in being brilliant and outstanding in the global society. First, one must be motivated. Motivation is a vital factor in the accomplishment of one’s goals and objectives. Without this, the materialization phase of the plan will not take place. Based on my personal experiences, being motivated was the key in finishing my studies in high school. During that my phase of my life, I was faced with many temptations to stray away from my dreams. But since I was determined to be a â€Å"somebody† in the upcoming future, I productively finished my secondary education which also facilitated my success while I was in college. The second essential skill for success is the ability to easily adapt and be flexible. These two skills are interconnected because to be able to adapt to a new environment or condition, an individual must first have the capacity to be flexible which is exhibited by being open-minded and resilient. In every endeavor that people get into, they must always try to be flexible at all times so that the tasks at hand can be done without any setbacks which can minimize the time and effort put into the project or research. By doing this, the chance of forging healthy relationships with other people would be most likely which is needed in guaranteeing a spot in the corporate ladder. Furthermore, the third and last must-have skill would be critical thinking. This particular skill is essential in making significant decisions that can aid in progressing one’s career in the professional world and elevating one’s status in the society. If an individual possess this skill, he/she will definitely go along way in the corporate world because there is a saying â€Å"think first before you act. † Overall, the three mentioned skills will not be able to contribute to the success of an individual on their own. They must be combined together in order to get the best results. Motivation, flexibility and critical thinking are skills that complement one another. If one is missing, the likelihood of performing well in a global setting would be greatly reduced. So individuals should pursue trainings and education that will help them develop these skills. As mentioned, the real world is very aggressive so in order to get ahead of the pack, one should always strive to be the best in their respective fields. This can be achieved by constantly practicing these skills and continuously generating new positive skills that can be very beneficial for one’s career and personal life as well.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sexual Assault in the Army

Sexual Assault in the Army â€Å"The Invisible War† Sexual Assault  against Women in the Army In 2012 a documentary entitled â€Å"The Invisible War† dealing with sexual assault against women raised attention to an issue that has been rarely spoken about. As an issue, it has been gaining attention in recent years however, and even President Obama (Office of the Press Secretary, 2014) describes it as a â€Å"profound injustice† in a speech he made in January. Sexual assault in the army affects a certain category of the American population that is abused. This paper will focus mainly on veteran women, explaining the causes behind their victimization, the measures the U.S officials have been trying to implement to limit such incidents, and finally it will provide some real study cases. The Report to the President of the United States on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (Depatment of Defense., 2014) came as a response to president Obama’s request to the defense department to improve their policies against sexual assault in the military system. It defines sexual assault as â€Å"[intentional] sexual contact characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent† (2014). Based on this definition, the rapport states that the number of victims of sexual assault between 2013 and 2014 are as follows: 4,3% for women and 0,9% for men. It also shows that despite the increase in 2012 concerning the number of sexual assault cases against women in the army, there is a decline from 6,1% to 4,3% in 2014 (same as 2010). In simpler terms, women are 5 times more likely to get sexually assaulted than men in the army. These figures imply an aggressiveness against women in particular considering that veteran women make up only 14,5% of the active-duty force (Statistics on Women in the Military, 2011). Some would explain this behavior through the feminist theory; that sexual violence against women is a way for men to reinforce their power, hence label it as a gender issue (Peterson Bailey, 1992; Hagan Peterson, 1995; Baron Straus, 1987). In chapter eight of Crime and Inequality (Hagan Peterson, 1995), the writers explore different surveys and experiments made to prove the relationship between gender inequality and violence against women, especially rape. They argue that such violence is intended to â€Å"keep women in their place† (1995). Clark and Lewis (1997) also argue that in societies where women are regarded as possessions of men, it is more likely that men would exercise their power by forcing and threatening women into sexual activities (cited in Baron Straus, 1987). Although this theory does not relate to women in the army in particular, but it tries to establish the relationship between the socioeconomic inequality between men and women from one hand, and the sexual abuse women suffer from. (Hagan Peterson, 1995). â€Å"The central argument is that rape is rooted in male domination of sociopolitical and economic activities (Williams and Holmes 1981). Thus, rape is expected to be more common where women hold little political or economic power [†¦] and the occupational status of women is inferiorâ€Å" (Peterson Bailey, 1992). In Addition to the view that men assault women sexually to reinforce their power, sexual assault might be attributed to some other causes. One of the main factors which are associated with high risk of rape, in particular, is the work place environment. Veteran women share their sleeping quarters with male soldiers which provide an environment in which the assailant has an easier access. Women also may experience pressure and may be obliged to hear demeaning comments or gestures (Sadler, Booth, Cook, Doebbeling, 2003). According to Pauline Jelinek (2012) in her article â€Å"military alcohol abuse ‘culture’ is now a ‘crisis’.† It is known that drinking alcohol and consuming drugs within the ranks of the military is a ‘culture’, and is considered as an escape from what they experience in the war. However, this has numerous drawbacks such as sexual aggression against veteran women. In fact, it is reported that half of perpetrators in the military are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of (Sadler, Booth, Cook, Doebbeling, 2003). Man’s tendency to act violently is another factor associated with high rate of rape. This is proven by a meta-analysis of sex difference in physical aggression. It shows that men are more likely to act violently and that 62 per cent of those who are injured by a partner are women (Archer, 2000). This is explained by what Melissa M. McDonald, Carlos David Navarrete and Mark Van Vugt (2012) call â€Å"The male warrior hypothesis.† They argue that men are programmed to act aggressively â€Å"to gain access to mates, territory and increased status.† This tendency to act violently can be interpreted as one major cause of sexual assault. Furthermore, women’s silence increases the rate of rape. This is attributed to barriers to justice where women feel that they are at risk of retaliation by the assailants. In fact, offenders usually outrank the victims and consequently, women are obliged to make a choice between their military career or seeking justice. What is worse is that commanders not only fail to enforce the protection of those women but also they put the blame on women for ruining the careers of â€Å"good soldiers† claiming that this is not â€Å"a big deal† and â€Å"not worth causing conflict in the unit† (Stalsburg, 2011). Despite the existence of sexual crimes in the military, a great number of methods and victim assistance programs have been actually implemented by the American army to prevent the occurrence of such cases. â€Å"Bystander Intervention Training† provided by the Department of Defence is one of the methods that encourages and shows all the service members how â€Å"to intervene safely when they see situations at risk for sexual assault† (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 2013). Another training that only commanders receive is â€Å"The command training and efforts to address sexual assault† (2013). It teaches commanders to assume an effectual responsibility by adopting certain rules and initiating some directions. It trains therefore high ranked officers to prevent the setting up of â€Å"environments that foster sexual harassment†(2013). As far as the military response to victims is concerned, two major reporting options are available for military members to opt for. The first, the unrestricted reporting option, implies â€Å"criminal investigation in which command and law enforcement are provided with details of the incidents† (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 2013). The restricted reporting option, on the other hand, provides help for victims in terms of â€Å"medical and healthcare,† but it does not imply an official investigation. This option is made specifically for women who prefer not to reveal the harasser’s identity or to call legally for their rights. In addition to these methods, â€Å"every military installation has a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) and at least one Victim Advocate [who is] responsible for connecting victims with appropriate resources and services† (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 2013). Although several measures have been adopted in the military, most women being raped prefer to be silent and not to uncover the truth. Even though America have the most powerful army in the world, it has in its ranks a secret –an invisible story- that many women won’t dare to reveal. However, in 2012 these women decided to break this silence and speak out in an investigative and a documentary film entitled â€Å"The Invisible War† (2012) which evolved around the sexual assault and harassment in the US military. This film aided these women to uncover the truth, tell their stories and share their experiences. One of these women is ‘Kori Cioca’ who was serving â€Å"in the US coast guard and was stationed in Michigan† and was raped by one of the commander officers back in 2005 (Stebner, 2013). During the aggression and while calling for help, her assaulter hit her and broke her jaw. She didn’t have the courage to report this incident because of the threats she received and the fear of losing her job (Stebner, 2013). In her article â€Å"the Invisible War: New Film Exposes Rape, Sexual Assault Epidemic in U.S Military† Amy Goodman (2012) interviewed Ms. Cioca where she told her horrible story about the aggression. In fact, her superior began by harassing her verbally but she refused these sexual suggestions. She said â€Å"he didn’t rape me because I was pretty or that he wanted to have sex with me; he raped me because he hated me, and he wanted to show me that I wasn’t as great as I thought I was.† This statement can be interpreted in favor of the feminist view of sexual assault discussed earlier. As for the victim, she thought about committing suicide but she changed her mind when she knew that she’s pregnant. Until now, although she feels traumatized and fights everyday to win her right back, she remains hopeful and confident that one day justice will take its course. To sum up, sexual assault against women has been an ‘invisible war’, a blight in the most honorable institution like the U.S. military. Its causes go back to different factors; human nature in general and the environment of the army in particular. The U.S officials and mainly the department of defense have been implementing different measures in the different levels of the armed forces to eliminate this problem. However, what the story of Kori Cioca reveal can imply the limits of such measures and the commitment to stop this sexual aggressiveness against women. References: Archer, J. (2000). Sex Differences in Aggression Between Heterosexual Partners:. Psychological Bulletin, 126(5), 651-680. Retrieved December 2014, from: Baron, L., Straus, M. A. (1987, December). Four Theories of Rape: A Macrosociological Analysis. Social Problems, 34(5). Depatment of Defense. (2014, November 25). Report to the President of the United States on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response. Retrieved December 2014, from The United States Department of Defense: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response.: Goodman, A. (2012, janaury 30). The Invisible War: New Film Exposes Rape, Sexual Assault Epidemic in U.S. Military. Retrieved December 2014, from Democracy Now: Hagan, J., Peterson, R. (Eds.). (1995). Crime and Inequality. Stanford, California.: Stanford University Press. Jelinek, P. (2012, september 9). Military Alcohol Abuse Culture Is Now A Crisis, Report Finds. Retrieved December 2014, from: McDonald, M. M., Navarrete, C. D., Vugt, M. V. (2012, January 23). Evolution and the psychology of intergroup conflict: the male warrior hypothesis. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS B. Retrieved December 2014, from: Office of the Press Secretary. (2014, January 22). Remarks by the President and Vice President at an Event for the Council on Women and Girls. Retrieved from The White House: Peterson, R. D., Bailey, W. C. (1992, Mai). Rape and Diemnsions of Gender Socioeconomic Inequality in The U.S Metropilitician Area. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 29(2), 162-177. Sadler, A. G., Booth, B. M., Cook, B. L., Doebbeling, B. N. (2003). Factors Associated With Women’s Risk of Rape in the Military Environment. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, 43, 262–273. Retrieved December 2014, from: Statistics on Women in the Military. (2011, September 30). Retrieved December 14, 2014, from The Womens Memorial: Stebner, B. (2013, february 13). The Invisible War: Former Coast Guard recruit tells of how horrific rape at hands of commanding officer made her contemplate suicide. Retrieved December 2014, from Mail Online: THE INVISIBLE WAR. (2012). Retrieved december 2014, from the invisible war: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. (2013, September). 2013 Statutory Enforcement Report: Sexual Assault in the Military. Retrieved December 2014, from United States Commission on Civil Rights :

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cultural Competence Essay -- essays research papers

The American Academy of Family Physicians website defines cultural competence as: â€Å"A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together as a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. The word "culture" is used because it implies the integrated pattern of human thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group. The word competence is used because it implies having a capacity to function effectively.† Campinha-Bacote constructed a model that depicts cultural competence into five different areas: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounter, and cultural desire. When working as a healthcare professional, one needs to strive for cultural competence by mastering each of these areas. To begin my journey on mastering each area of cultural competence, I need to first assess my placement in each of the five categories. A very important area is cultural awareness. This involves conducting self-examination of any biases that I may have towards a certain culture. I am guilty of having such biases. While I do not have many biases, it is important that I work through each one and realize that biases are not facts. I am a Caucasian female who grew up in the suburbs of Detroit. I attended a private school from kindergarten until my sophomore year of college. My school was not very diverse. Once I started working, I was able to meet a few more people of different cultures. All of my professions have been in the suburbs, and the majority of people have been Caucasian. Eastern Michigan University is very diverse. I am glad that I am finally able to experience such an environment. Cultural knowledge is when a health care professional seeks information regarding different cultures and ethnic groups. They look at the differences that one culture/ethnic group may have regarding treatment of an illness, health conditions, and biological variations. I have yet to do any personal research in this area. I have learned about some of these differences in a few of the nursing classes this past year and a half. I know that this is a detrimental area of nursing, especially since our country is becom... ...nts who have been of a different culture and I am willing to care for many more. By reviewing my position in each of the areas in the model, I realize that I do not yet fit into the expectations. I believe that I am on my way to achieving cultural competence. I still need to work on cultural awareness. I need to conduct a further self-examination to be sure I understand each of my biases. I need to start researching to improve my cultural knowledge. My cultural skill needs to improve in the aspect of becoming more comfortable in conducting a cultural assessment. I engage in conversations, and in friendships with people of other culture (cultural encounter) and enjoy becoming culturally aware and knowledgeable (cultural desire). This guide is very appropriate for the nursing field. I believe that I am culturally competent enough to work in a health care profession. I will continue to improve in each category. Everyday is a new day. I will be exposed to people of many backgrounds. I need to be ready and willing to adapt so that each person will feel equally comfortable and will receive equivalent healthcare. October 6, 2004

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essays --

Animals have always been evolving and are constantly adapting to their changing environments. All organisms require the intake of food and disposal of waste, the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and respiratory gases. To determine how much of this each organism needs, it is based on each organism’s volume. Organisms are able to exchange materials the fastest when the surface-to-volume relationship is larger. Because larger organisms have a smaller surface-to-volume relationship, the exchange of materials and the ability to lose heat is more difficult. Organisms have changed from single, to multicellular. A single celled organism has a large surface-to-volume ratio, which means it is able to efficiently exchange and remove materials. As these organisms evolve over time and grow larger, they eventually become multicellular and must increase their surface area. Sea Anemones and Tapeworms are a perfect example of this as they have elongated, flat bodies. Thus, the d iffusion between the organism and its environment only require a short time. Question 2 The various structures of porifera include Asconoid, Syconoid and Leuconoid. Asconoids have the simplest structures, an atrium lined with choanocytes. Incurrent ostia allow water directly into the chamber. Asconoids eventually increased the thickness of their body wall and became Syconoids. Syconoids have choanocyte chambers that extend into the body wall. An even thicker body wall was created and Syconoids evolved into the most complex structure, the Leuconoid. Leuconoids have choanocyte chambers isolated deep within a body wall. Incurrent and excurrent canals lead to them from the outside, which then leads to the atrium. With each organ exchanging specific ... ... development was muscle tissue. The platyhelmiths are the first animal with true musculature. Muscle from the mesoderm is attached to the endoderm and ectoderm. Endoderm muscles line the pharynx and are surrounded by muscles that allow it to be extended, withdrawn and suck in food. There are also longitudinal muscle fibers that allow the body to elongate and perform the various turning and bending activities of the worm. A protonephridium is a network of dead-ending tubules, also known as flame cells, that function is osmoregulation and ionoregulation. Each cell has one or more cilia and their beating creates an outward going current and pressurization. The pressure created drives waste fluids from the inside of the animal to the protonephridium. The terminals are large enough for small molecules to pass through, but larger proteins are kept in the animal.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lullabies for Little Criminals

Child development is the genetic and internal changes that occur in children during early years. There are many internal and external factors that affect a child's growth and development. The connection between a child’s environment and a child’s development are explored in Heather O'Neill's lullabies for little criminals where a child named Baby becomes a product of her environment. This is explored through the early death of Baby’s mother, her being raised by a young father and her father's drug addiction. Baby’s bad decisions and choices come from a lack of guidance necessary for a child’s social growth and development.The absence of a mother in Baby’s life is without a doubt one of the most significant factor in how her life turns out. Not having a mother to guide her, encourage and mold her to become a healthy young adult is evident throughout the book as the important life lessons from a mother was never instilled. Although Baby is grat eful for her father, Jules’s attempts at parenting her, she recognizes that he is unable to take care of himself, therefore unable to give Baby the nurturing environment necessary for a child to flourish.This is evident when she laments â€Å"Jules tried to be a mother, but he’d always kind of fallen short on the mark† (O’Neill, 186). Furthermore, Baby does not understand the feeling of unconditional love that mothers often have towards their children which causes her to look for love in all the wrong places. Without a mother in her life, Baby does not have someone she can lean on for some of the most basic roles of a parental figure, and she grows up feeling ashamed of what she has becomes.Hence, Baby reflects on her outcome when she states â€Å"I thought that if my mother met me now, all grown up, she would be disappointed† (O’Neill, 97). Without guidance Baby succumbs to the life of drugs, alcohol and prostitution, a fate she feels was i nevitable given the lack of maternal love. Nevertheless, in her insightful moments Baby states that, â€Å"A lot of kids get the privilege of looking at themselves through their mother’s eyes. I could only see myself through my own eyes, and sometimes I could barely stand to look† (O’Neill, 186).Here Baby Speaks matter-of-factly, without any resentment towards her mother but more resolute that her life is shaped by her circumstances – without love, self esteem or respect for self. In A Theory of Human Motivation, A. H. Maslow writes; [We] have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from other people), recognition, attention, importance or appreciation. These needs have been relatively stressed by Alfred Adler and his followers, and have been relatively neglected by Freud and the psychoanalysts.More and more today however there is appearing widespread appreciation of their central importance. (Maslow,1943,3 70-396) The instinctive needs and reassurance mothers provide their daughter’s with is what Baby searches for throughout the book. Therefore the lack of guidance and nurturing is arguably some of the root causes of her poor decision making, as she continues looking for love in the wrong places. When Baby was born, her parents were teenagers and therefore ill prepared for the responsibilities of taking care of a child.Her early childhood was characterized by neglect as a result her behavior inevitably changes for the worst. She learns early on that adults in her life are not reliable. For instance, when her father is released from the hospital, Baby was under the impression that her father will come for her immediately; however, she is disappointed when he fails to come for her. She expresses her disappointment by saying â€Å"I thought Jules was still in the hospital. I thought the day they’d release him, he’d hitchhike right over to the foster home and get me. † (O’Neill, 50)Jules is unable to understand that Baby has no one to depend on but him and he is presented as negligent of her needs through out the book. Jules is unable to put the needs of others above his own, and in return shows Baby that the only thing important in life is yourself. Baby want’s nothing but a stable and nurturing home environment but Jules is unable to provide the basic necessities for her. In Contemporary Liberalism and the Fate of American Children David L. Tubbs writes â€Å"Children depend on adults for many things, and this dependence encompasses more than material needs.Certain intangible goods—education, for example—are just as crucial to their well-being. †(Tubbs, 2007, 1) This idea is especially true in lullabies for little criminals where the emotional bond Baby yearns for, her younger father is unable to provide. This lack of caring for his daughter can also be seen when he is taken away by the police, leaving Baby stranded and confused, â€Å"As the cop car pulled away, I waved to Jules in the backseat. He had been too distracted to even notice me being hit by a car† (O’Neill, 57).As a child, Baby has learned to be self reliant and independent. Nonetheless Baby witnessing her father's run in with the law profoundly affects her attitude towards the law as she herself becomes a prostitute and an addict. Despite the fact that Jules does not seem to care about Baby’s well being, she rationalizes his inadequate parenting as simply lack of experience. Throughout the novel Baby chooses to make decisions that are not in her best interest simply because that's all that she knows. It is this lack of guidance that paves the way for Baby’s poor decision making.Baby’s inadequate and drug addicted father is unable to provide the appropriate environment for her to learn the skills needed for success in life. As Baby talks about her father’s drug addiction she m akes a remark that is telling. She says â€Å"For a kid I knew a lot of things about what it felt like to use heroine. †(O’Neill,10) Early on in life, Baby is aware of her father’s dependency on drugs and is given no choice but to take on the parental role within her family. Baby has never been told otherwise and will never understand the dangers of heroin use.At a young age she already feels the pain and pleasure that comes along with drugs. In turn, Baby naively begins to glorify heroin as she associates it with happy times in her life. This is demonstrated in the book when Baby talks about her father and his friends, â€Å"They made me laugh so much. I thought they were the coolest group of humans that ever lived. †(O’Neill, 72). Early on in the book Baby is introduced to drugs, thus she makes a connection between drugs and happiness. Unfortunately, she does not have responsible adults in her life to tell her the negative effects of drugs, and h ence she does not grasp the dangers of drug use.This is later proven when Baby decides that she is, â€Å"firm on the idea that [she] would become a drug addict too now. [she] didn’t care what drug [she] was going to be addicted to. †(O’Neill, 72) Baby idolizes her father and he willingly or not, leads her to believe happiness can be gained through drugs. In the book Jules is arrested for possession of heroin and Baby says that, â€Å"Since Jules had started using heroin again it was inevitable that he would be arrested† (O’Neill, 57). Baby has become accustomed to her father’s abuse of drugs and understands the large presence it has on her and her father's life.The certainty in her statement also foreshadows the events that occur in her own life if she followed in his footsteps. Baby understands no other alternative than going to prison for her father or for herself. Likewise, Jules is unable to understand that by letting Baby grow up in th is kind of environment, it is inevitable that she will adopt these actions and behaviors as the norm and mimic them in the future. By adopting the life skills and choices of her father, Jules has trapped Baby within a life of bad choices.Child development is the biological and emotional changes people go through during childhood and there are many factors that can affect a child’s growth and development. Heather O’Neill’s lullabies for little criminals explores the similarities between a child’s environment and development through Baby’s bad decisions and choices and how they originated from lack of guidance necessary for a child’s social growth and development. This is seen through Baby’s mother early death, her father raising her at an early age, and her father’s addiction to heroin.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Research Paper NT1430 Essay

When it comes to IPv6 there are a lot of topics that can be discussed. It will change the Internet forever as we know it. IPv4 is the fourth version of protocol using a 32 bit address space whereas IPv6 will be using 128 bits of hexadecimal addressing to allow for drastically more addresses. Currently IPv4 allows roughly 4,294,967,296 possible addresses and with the current allocation practices it limits the number of public address to a few hundred million. In contrast, the 128 bit address space that IPv6 uses can provide roughly 3.4 x 1038 possible addresses. The sheer size of the IPv6 address allows for the subdividing of the address into a hierarchical routing structure that in turn can reflect the current topology of the Internet. This will provide great flexibility for the addressing and routing in the future where the IPv4 obviously lacks in comparison. It would hard to imagine a world where we do have anymore Internet addresses to go around. This should hopefully solve that problem, at least for a while to come. When configuring DHCP on Linux to use IPv6 one must be sure that they have everything in order. The two most used means of auto configuration IPS are on the router advertisement and dhcpv6. When you are using the RA a server daemon needs to advertise a network prefix which is typically a /64, gateway and sometimes a DNS server. Then the Client machines can auto configure their IPv6 addresses when they have initialized a bootup based on their current MAC address using EUI64. When addressing the same situation with dhcpv6, dynamic or static addresses can always be assigned to the current client machines. Unfortunately the gateways cannot be assigned due to the design of the dhcpv6 protocol. If you must use dhcpv6 you have to use RA. You can configure RA to advertise only the gateway leaving the IP and DNS server configuration all up to the dhcpv6, or only the DNS servers. In order to run dhcpd in IPv6 mode you  need to add a -6 argument. The arguments should define the configuration file and lease file. Here is an example of a startup command; /usr/sbin/dhcp -6 –cd/etc/dhcpd6.conf –lf/var/state/dhcpd6.leases eth1. The -6 enables the IPv6 mode and the –cf defines the IPv6 configuration file. Here’s an example of the dhcpd6.conf; # dhcpd6.conf authoritative; option 2001;db8;1;1;;200; option dhcp6.domain-search ‘internal.1an’; In conclusion, I hope that after this you understand why IPv6 is such a game changer and why it is so important for our world going forward. Without it our planet would cease to exist and everything would stop. Obviously IPv4 is still around and will be for a few more years, but the days of thinking that IPv4 would last forever or definitely over and it’s time for something new will hopefully last a little longer. References //

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mineral and Water Function Essay

Minerals have an important role in the health of the body. In order for the body to remain healthy, 20 minerals are needed. There are some minerals that have specific functions and other can have many different functions. Minerals can help structure the body and also help regulate the processes by the body which help to maintain itself. Calcium is responsible for many functions in the body. Calcium keeps the bones strong, helps regulate blood pressure, helps muscles contract, and transmits nerve signals from cell to cell.Minerals are consumes from many different places such as plants and animals. Minerals from both plants and animals can either provide an advantage or contaminate the body. It all depends on the conditions the plant or animal was raised in. Food lose their minerals during the processing period but they are enriched to help get back some of those lost minerals. By eating a variety of food being processed and unprocessed, a person can be reinsured of the proper mineral consumption.Minerals that come from animals have a better chance to be absorbed than those that are received in plants (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2006). Water is a very important for the body to remain healthy. The cells of the body bathes in the water we have in our system. Water lubricates and cleanses our internal and external parts of the body. When our tear ducts release water, the water lubricates and washes or flushes out our eyes. Water helps proved chemical reactions that provide minerals and vitamins that the body intakes to dissolve. Water is a big help in the chemical reaction of metabolism.Body temperature is regulated with the help of water, and this is the reason why it is important to stay hydrated. Dehydration comes with several signs. Headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry eyes and mouth, and dark urine are the first symptoms of dehydration. If the body continues to not receive the amount of water it requires, it can become more serious and fatal. More serious signs of dehydration are nausea, difficulty concentrating, confusion, and disorientation. If dehydration is not treated can lead to death (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2006).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cyclermate Report

CYCLERMATE COMPANY PERFORMANCE REPORT Word count: 3099 words The INCREDIBLES – FB2A Ngo Mai Anh Hoang My Hanh Dinh Ngoc Huyen Nguyen Hai Ly Nguyen Ha Thu Nguyen Son Tung Content 1. Introduction 2. Liquidity and Capital structure 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 4. 2. 5. 3. 1. 3. 2. SWOT Analysis Liquidity Matters Capital Structure Matters Short-term options Page 3 4 3. Production Methods SWOT Analysis Short-term Options 8 4. Human Relations 5. Investigation for Lone-term Survival and Profitability 6. Conclusion 7. Reference 8. Appendix 10 12 13 14 15 2|Page 1. Introduction Cyclermate Ltd is a small company producing bicycles in UK. The firm was set up by Lewis Llewellyn and Dai Armstrong, the two close friends in a local cycle touring club. They produce traditional upright cycle, which imitate the 1940’s and 1950’s. In 1990s, the company expanded to meet the demand and they bought a 15,000 square feet warehouse with 2,000 square feet of office accommodation. The high quality hand- made bikes brought them good reputation and maintained high sales though they did not advertise much. However in 2010 the company has trouble as the sales decrease and the demand fell in spite of lower price. Some customers even complained about quality of the product because they got accidents due to front brake. We are a group of consultants and we are preparing this report that will give Cyclermate’s banker an objective view about this company. Although at the moment they are having overdraft and some difficulties in selling products, we are here to make the bank see opportunities of this company and continue investing in it. 3|Page 2. Liquidity and Capital Structure 2. 1. SWOT Analysis ? Strengths ? ? Cyclermate has a long establishment time and reputation in producing traditional bike. The company has asset of a large piece of land worth ? 208,000 (included ? 48,000 of factory and ? 160,000 of unused land). ? Weaknesses ? ? Cyclermate has very few current assets and more non-current asset. This reduces the liquidity of money. There is a great liability that is in the form of bank overdrafts. Costs are rising while price per unit decrease to encourage customers resulting in reduce in revenue. ? Opportunities ? ? A fixed amount of bike is ensured to be sold with Cyclermate’s reputation Sales may increase with environment protection trend There is a chance of getting investment from Dai’s cousin ? ? ? ? Threats Banks do not allow anymore overdraft, thus there is a possibility of bankruptcy With competition from other companies and e-commerce, together with bad reputation from accidents caused by Cyclermate’s bikes. sales may continue to remain low ? Linda Llewellyn – one of three shareholders wants to withdraw money from company business 2. 2. Liquidity Matters The current ratio measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay over its debt over the next 12 months. Current ratio is calculated as follow. In this case, current ratio is 1. 85 which means that for every dollar the company owes in the short term it has ? 1. 5 available in assets that can be converted to cash in the short term. Therefore, it can be understood that current liabilities are still in control. However, the ratio is a little bit high so it reflects that the company is not efficiently using its current assets or its short-term financing facilities. This may also indicate problems in working capit al management. 4|Page Quick ratio measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to extinguish or retire its current liabilities immediately. The higher the ratio, the greater the company’s liquidity is. (Quick Assets = Current Assets – Inventory) Here, Cyclermate has a quick ratio of 1. 15 which means Cyclermate has enough quick assets to convert to cash in order to pay current liabilities if necessary. Cash ratio measures a company’s ability to immediately use cash to pay its current debts This ratio indicates that this company does not have much cash in hand and naturally it cannot pay bank overdraft right away by cash. Generally, Cyclermate’s current liabilities are still in control with the liquidity of its current assets. However, with limited cash in hand, other current assets are needed to increase liquidity in to ensure the ability to pay debts in urgent circumstances. . 3. Capital Structure Matters Capital structure is the way a company combines between Equity and Liabilities in order to optimize financial sources. The effectiveness of a company’s capital structure is often analyzed through debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio. Here, Cyclermate’s D/E ratio is estimated 1. 976. It means that with eac h ? 1 of Equity, there is ? 1. 976 of Liabilities. In other words, at the moment, the ability to pay debt of Cyclermate is over the ability of payment for shareholder’s fund. To resolve the problems or to reduce the ratio, there are two main trends: decrease Liabilities and/or increase Equity. In the short term, it is very difficult to raise shareholder’s fund as it takes time to persuade individuals and organizations to invest in a small company who is in the verge of bankruptcy. Even when there is a possibility that Dai’s cousin will invest to Cyclermate, long time will be needed to complete legal policies and internal matters. Thus, in short-term, it is more rational to focus on minimizing Liabilities. Therefore, problems of capital structure in short-term turns out to be the same matters with liquidity, which is: how to increase cash in company account to pay bank overdraft and other liabilities. |Page 2. 4. Short-term Options To deal with the difficulties of Cyclermate Ltd in liquidity as well as capital structure, we firstly take into account about the company assets that can be quickly converted to cash in case bank asks for paying back overdraft. The assets are chosen includes company’s free hold land and trade debtors. Looking at this companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s financial strengths, it is easy to recognize its very huge freehold land which is worth ? 160,000. However, this value has been recorded with historical price in the purchase time – by the end of 1990. Thus, we calculate the current price of the land in December 2011 is about ? 269,160. 4 (if the price in 1990 was 100%, the inflation rate made the average price in December 2011 reach up to 168. 244%). As a result, if we convert immediately the freehold land, the money gained is enough to pay all ? 264,864 current liabilities (including ? 177,364 of bank overdraft and ? 87,500 of trade creditors). In addition, the company has a small scale; therefore; we do not have to concern so far about expanding factory area. In addition, this company has ? 00,571 at trade debtors that represents the amounts own by cycle shops and this amount of money can cover the bank overdraft. Though Cyclermate could not take back all the trade debtors, they should take back as much as they can. Then, we consider about plans to increase profit or to decrease cost for Cyclermate in short-time with the purpose to raise the company’s fund: The draft budget for 2010/11 points out that Cyclermate has poten tial to have budgeted trading loss with only 950 and 1300 bikes sold through direct mail order and cycle shop in turns. In the first stage, we calculate the amount of bikes to reach BEP (break-even point) with assumption of the same price, same cost and same proportion of two types. In the calculation: Q*: Break-even point Fixed cost = Indirect cost Price per unit = Average price per unit = Total sales / Total bike quantity (of both 2 types of bike) Variable cost = Direct cost per unit ? Q* (estimated) = 2,753 bikes 6|Page Thus, to reach BEP Cyclermate needs to sell 503 more bikes (including about 212 bikes through direct mail order and 291 bikes through cycle shop). In fact, how to sell 503 more bikes is a difficult matter. As a result, we decide to suggest lowering direct cost in each bike by reducing parts namely lamps, lock, basket, dynamo and brake front (replace by brake front without dynamo). The reasons will be explained in detail in next part about Production. By doing this, each bike saves about ? 31. 09 for direct material / variable cost. We calculate BEP again with the new variable cost and find out Q* = 2310 bikes which means Cyclermate only needs to sell more 60 bikes (25 bikes through direct mail order and 36 bikes through cycle shop). Consequently, the cost cutting method can help increase profitability. Moreover, there are some employees want to retire or cannot work anymore like Lewis Llewellyn or Idris Pugh. If Cyclermate accepts to let them free (the plan will be explained in Human Relations part), they will have a new budget of ? 67,534 per year. This budget is not only enough to employ new staffs to vacant positions, but also can save an amount of salary for the company. 7|Page 3. Production Methods 3. 1. SWOT Analysis ? Strengths: ? The cycles made by the company are â€Å"retro† styles and totally hand-made with high-standard which have high demand from the market ? The whole process is divided clearly into stages which are responsible by specialized people at each specific stage ? Weaknesses: ? ? ? ? Faults is continuously appearing and reduces the quality of the product The recent painting method causes some quality problems to a number of fames. Moreover, the highly toxic paint materials is ruining the compressor and extraction equipment There are some components that are not necessary make the cost to produce a cycle quite high There are some employees’ issues that invisibly affects the production and reduces the productivity ? Opportunities: ? The new materials and technologies that Dai’s relative provides is a great opportunity to develop the product The firm has commissioned a cycle shop in Cardiff to build the wheels for it with reasonable quality and are always delivered quickly 3. 2. Short-term Options First of all, it is good that the company have specialized people responsible for each specific stage. This is because on e of the most important facets of job specialization is its potential to increase worker productivity and output. However, in the current arrangement, there are still some clashes of tasks between people. Therefore, it is necessary that tasks are assigned specifically to employees. Secondly, after the interview, it is clearly that faults causes mainly by the painting method and Janice’s mistakes as she has to work quickly and late. In short term, it is too difficult to upgrade the painting method to fix the paint quality problems so reducing the number of fames painted each day to focus on the quality should be concerned since demand for the period continues to fall. The company also should prioritize assembly to guarantee that every product is tested carefully before reaching customers. Beside the problems mentioned above, there are some employees’ issues that also need to be concerned about such as Idris Pugh who is responsible for wheels, mudguards, chain guards, stays and other hardware is really old and often absent because of his heath. Fortunately, the company has already 8|Page commissioned a cycle shop in Cardiff to do the job with reasonable quality and is always delivered quickly. The direct cost is somewhat higher than the materials and components used by Idris, but the company can reduce the cost of paying salary for Idris. Since the cost is rising significantly, it is highly recommended that some component which does not add any value to the product should be eliminated. In addition, whether something adds to the value of the product or not are determined by customers rather than by the company. For instance, an example of something a customer would consider being waste: redundant accessories. Customers obviously do not want to pay for it, so the company can reduce costs by eliminating it as much as possible. In this situation, the company could reduce costs by removing lock, basket, and lamp and replace the brake with dynamo with a normal brake. The company also should rearrange the warehouse to reduce the wastes causes by moving between places, searching things and so on, because the process looks to be somewhat shambolic. The warehouse should be rearranged. (Refer to appendix) 9|Page 4. Human Relations Human relation is the way people interact and behave toward each other, human relation plays important role in business. Each organization or business tries to find out the effective ways that build up a good relationship in firm and maintaining it. Taking the time to think strategically about how the people in your business are managed will help you avoid potential problems. After interviewing with people in the company and reviewing their work, we realized that the clash of work did not only slow down the process but also create conflicts between members. Since each job is not done or supervised by one specific person, it is hard to keep track of the responsibilities when errors occur. To make ourselves clear when suggesting specialization, we will now name the specific jobs for each person in the company. Dai Armstrong is enthusiastic both about the company and about its future, he gave a number of ideas about possible directions, however he has too much work such as paperwork, doing fame. As a director, his task is about external relation but he only works in the factory. To develop their company, he needs to go out and work with the distributors. Another shareholder, Lewis Llewellyn, is less optimistic than Mr. Armstrong about company’s future. He also shows that he is keen on retiring. Since he does not desire with work, company should let him retire. The third shareholder in the board of director is Mr. Lewis’ wife. After divorcing with Mr. Lewis, she wants one third value of the business. To deal with this difficult problem the company should negotiate with Lewis’s ex-wife, either by continue giving her her dividend or persuade her to take her investment back only according to inflation rate. In production team, Mr. Maldwyn Jones thinks that his manager undervalues his skills and he is thinking about leaving due to this. To improve as well as motivate him, the company should let him replace Lewis in manager board in the business manager position while Mr. Armstrong works on external relations. At the same time, Mr. Maldwyn should still continue his painting job while helping Dai with management. Mr. Emlyn Morgan has many ideas about how to improve production and his wife thinks that he is undervalued by the managers. Like Mr. Maldwyn, to motivate him to work his best, he should be promoted to the overall production managers, overseeing all the works happens in the factory and assist the young workers as they have questions. 10 | P a g e Although Idris Pugh is a wheelwright perfectionist and his products never gets complaints, he is not not healthy enough to work regularly. We think that the best solution is to let him retire and recruit a new skillful worker to replace him. Janice and Ffred are two young assemblers. Janice likes her job but sometimes she feels pressure because she has to work overtime. However, because the sales have decreased and there are a lot of bikes left therefore she will not have to work overtime for a while. Ffred is young and in experience so he often makes mistake. Now, with the supervising of Emlyn Morgan, he will able to avoid faults. Packing is a step that is taken by anyone who has time. We think that factory should have an employee who is specialized in this task. Ianto Prichard is an odd-job man and cleaner in the factory. We decide to promote him to be in charge of this task since he is used to the work in the firm. He can do his job every weekday morning and for certain his salary will be higher. Glady Wells, who cleans the office twice a week, can clean both office and factory now twice a week and he will be paid more. 11 | P a g e 5. Investigation for Lone-term Survival and Profitability Political ? From 1990s, UK government and campaign group have tried to promote cycling as a good alternative choice for car and a good way to improve health ? 12,000 miles of the National Cycle Network is build which are equivalent to 200% of the network expansion ? London is the host of Olympic 2012 with the commitment to encourage people to participate more in sports activities like cycling Economic ? UK has recovered from economic crisis thus customers would have more budget ? Fuel costs is rising, therefore many people are switching from car to bicycle ? Growing online sales of bicycle products Social ? UK people are more aware of health and environment benefits from riding bicycle, especially in avoiding absenteeism ? More events organized to encourage people participation in cycling ? Traditional bike has been in favor of customers Technology Law Environment ? New types of bike has been launched to the market ? Laws encourage people to choose bicycle (e. g: protecting cyclists against car drivers in an accident or having preferential traffic signals) ? Environment protection campaigns promote and make people aware of advantages of riding bicycles in reducing emissions One company is a successful company if it has a good management team. Cyclermate Ltd really needs a good director who has clear vision about the company’s future and he must know exactly how to run this company. By looking at the PESTEL analysis above, we think that Dai Amstrong still see a great potential in this industry, thus he keep being so optimistic about it. He now must reorganize the company’s structure to make it work more efficiently. In addition, the director should pay attention to financial management. It plays an important role in the survival of the company. According to Mr Jones, the company had not advertised its products in the national press for some years now, we would have to advertise more on media. Besides, he mentioned an alternative route to increased sales that is trying to build up the direct sales to have the maximum benefit. We can sell the products online through Internet which is a helpful tool for saving advertising cost. Furthermore, the directors also should pay attention to the demands of customers to know exactly what they want so that its products could meet the needs of customers. The other firms in the same market were increasing their sales of â€Å"traditional† machines; therefore; we could think about the new technologies to develop new products. Mr Owen – Dai’s cousin had some expertise in new technologies and he was willing to help. The profitability of the company might be ensured if all the options are applied. Besides, we can apply some campaigns such as saving energy that helps reduce the heating, lighting and power cost. 12 | P a g e 6. Conclusion To conclude, the main problems in Cyclermate are the low liquidity of their asset, and problems in managing human resources. We believe that with the suggested solution, Cyclermate will be in a safer and more successful position than they are now. Through this report, the bank has a clearer view of where Cyclermate is standing in its development. With the resources and potential they have in hand, it is such a waste if they do not get further loan to continue developing. We also want to point out that with this uch potential, Cyclermate may even appear to be a very good candidate for loan, as they can expand their market not only local-wide but world-wide. 13 | P a g e 7. Reference 1. TIMOTHY S. HATTEN (200), Accounting Records and Financial Statements. In: Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond. 4th ed. South-Western: Cengage Learning, pp. 202-234 2. The British Cycling Economy [Online] http://corporate. sky. com/documents/pdf/publications/the_british_cycling_economy. htm 3. Gregory Hamel. January 07, 2011. The advantages of Job Specialization. [Online]. Avaiable: http://www. ehow. com/info_7743130_advantages-job-specialization. html. [December 10, 2011] 4. David Anderson. October 2006. 5S Manufacturing: What Is It?. [Online]. Available: http://www. todaysfacilitymanager. com/tfm_06_10_profdev. php. [December 10, 2011]. 5. Steve Jonathan. March 14, 2011. The advantages of 5S. [Online]. Avaiable: http://www. ehow. com/info_8061038_advantages-5s. html. [December 10, 2011] 6. LeanMan. 2010. Increase The Profit through waste reduction. [Online]. Avaiable: http://leanman. hubpages. om/hub/Increase-Profit-through-waste-reduction. [December 10, 2011] 14 | P a g e 8. Appendix Sales Direct mail order Cycle shop Budgeted total revenue Direct materials Indirect costs Total Costs Budgeted trading loss Interest Payable Possible tax loss recovery Shareholders’ Funds 846,118 (916,312) 446,580 1,292,698 (1,362,892) 29,602 (-40,592) (36,000) 35,000 28,602 units 1067 1370 Price ? 700 420 Revenue 7 46,900 575,400 1,322,300 Table 1: Draft budget – 2010/11 after selling more cycles (Number in red is the old record) Picture 1 Rearrangement of Warehouse 15 | P a g e